Working with User Stats

Basic user stats can be displayed with the --show-user-data (short form -sud) command:

scriptabit -sud

Additionally, gold, mana, health, experience points, and character level can all be modified with set, increment, and scale commands. The set commands set the values directly, the increment commands add or subtract the specified amount from the current value, and the scale commands multiply the current value by the supplied scaling factor.

The set commands all have the form --set-XX, where XX is one of:

  • gp: gold points
  • hp: health points
  • mp: mana points
  • xp: experience points
  • level: character level

The increment commands all have the form --inc-XX, using the same codes.

The scale commands all have the form --scale-XX, using the same codes.

Example 1: subtract 10 health points

Use an increment command for hp, and a value of -10 to reduce health by 10 points:

scriptabit --inc-hp -10

Example 2: Set gold to 1000

Use the set command for gp, and a value of 1000:

scriptabit --set-gp 1000

Example 3: Reduce experience points by half

Use a scale command on XP:

scriptabit --scale-xp 0.5

Using the Built-in Plugins

Some features of scriptabit are more complex than setting HP via the command line. These features are described in more detail here.