Source code for scriptabit.habitica_service

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" Habitica API service interface.

# Ensure backwards compatibility with Python 2
from __future__ import (
from builtins import *

import logging
from enum import Enum

import requests

from .errors import *

class HabiticaTaskTypes(Enum):
    """ Habitica task types """
    habits = 'habits'
    dailies = 'dailys'
    todos = 'todos'
    rewards = 'rewards'
    completed_todos = 'completedTodos'

class SpellIDs(Enum):
    """ Spell/skill codes for casting.
        fireball: "Burst of Flames"
        mpheal: "Ethereal Surge"
        earth: "Earthquake"
        frost: "Chilling Frost"

        smash: "Brutal Smash"
        defensiveStance: "Defensive Stance"
        valorousPresence: "Valorous Presence"
        intimidate: "Intimidating Gaze"

        pickPocket: "Pickpocket"
        backStab: "Backstab"
        toolsOfTrade: "Tools of the Trade"
        stealth: "Stealth"

        heal: "Healing Light"
        protectAura: "Protective Aura"
        brightness: "Searing Brightness"
        healAll: "Blessing"
    burst_of_flames = 'fireball'
    ethereal_surge = 'mpheal'
    earthquake = 'earth'
    chilling_frost = 'frost'
    brutal_smash = 'smash'
    defensive_stance = 'defensiveStance'
    valorous_presence = 'valorousPresence'
    intimidating_gaze = 'intimidate'
    pickpocket = 'pickPocket'
    backstab = 'backStab'
    tools_of_the_trade = 'toolsOfTrade'
    stealth = 'stealth'
    heal = 'heal'
    protective_aura = 'protectAura'
    searing_brightness = 'brightness'
    blessing = 'healAll'

[docs]class HabiticaService(object): """ Habitica API service interface. """ def __init__(self, headers, base_url): """ Args: headers (dict): HTTP headers. base_url (str): The base URL for requests. """ self.__headers = headers self.__base_url = base_url self.__timeout = 10 # allow 10 seconds before timing out API calls def __delete(self, command, params=None): """Utility wrapper around a HTTP DELETE""" url = self.__base_url + command logging.getLogger(__name__).debug('DELETE %s', url) return requests.delete( url, params=params, headers=self.__headers, timeout=self.__timeout) def __get(self, command, params=None): """Utility wrapper around a HTTP GET""" url = self.__base_url + command logging.getLogger(__name__).debug('GET %s', url) return requests.get( url, params=params, headers=self.__headers, timeout=self.__timeout) def __put(self, command, data): """Utility wrapper around a HTTP PUT""" url = self.__base_url + command logging.getLogger(__name__).debug('PUT %s', url) return requests.put( url, headers=self.__headers, data=data, timeout=self.__timeout) def __post(self, command, data=None): """Utility wrapper around a HTTP POST""" url = self.__base_url + command logging.getLogger(__name__).debug('PUT %s', url) return url, headers=self.__headers, json=data, timeout=self.__timeout) @staticmethod def __get_key(task): """ Gets the key from the task ID or alias. Preference is given to the ID. Args: task (dict): The task. Returns: str: The key Raises: ValueError: ID or alias not present in task. """ key = task.get('_id', None) if not key: key = task.get('alias', None) if not key: raise ValueError('The task must specify an id or alias') return key
[docs] def is_server_up(self): """Check that the Habitica API is reachable and up Returns: bool: `True` if the server is reachable, otherwise `False`. """ response = self.__get('status') if response.status_code == return response.json()['data']['status'] == 'up' return False
[docs] def get_user(self): """Gets the authenticated user data. Returns: dict: The user data. """ response = self.__get('user') response.raise_for_status() return response.json()['data']
[docs] def get_stats(self): """Gets the authenticated user stats. Returns: dict: The stats. """ return self.get_user()['stats']
[docs] def get_tasks(self, task_type=None): """Gets all tasks for the current user. Args: task_type (HabiticaTaskTypes): The type of task to get. Default is all tasks apart from completed todos. Returns: dict: The tasks. """ params = {'type': task_type.value} if task_type else {} response = self.__get('tasks/user', params) response.raise_for_status() return response.json()['data']
[docs] def create_task(self, task, task_type=HabiticaTaskTypes.todos): """ Creates a task. Args: task (dict): The task. task_type (HabiticaTaskTypes): The type of task to create. Default is to create a new todo. Only used if the task['type'] is empty or not present. Returns: dict: The new task as returned from the server. """ if not task.get('type', None): _type = 'todo' if task_type == HabiticaTaskTypes.dailies: _type = 'daily' elif task_type == HabiticaTaskTypes.habits: _type = 'habit' elif task_type == HabiticaTaskTypes.rewards: _type = 'reward' task['type'] = _type response = self.__post('tasks/user', task) response.raise_for_status() return response.json()['data']
[docs] def create_tasks(self, tasks): """ Creates multiple tasks. Note that unlike HabiticaService.create_task, this method **does not** check that the task type is valid. Args: task (list): The list of tasks. Returns: list: The new tasks as returned from the server. """ response = self.__post('tasks/user', tasks) response.raise_for_status() return response.json()['data']
[docs] def get_task(self, _id='', alias=''): """ Gets a task. If both task ID and alias are specified, then the ID is used. Args: _id (str): The task ID. alias (str): The task alias. Returns: dict: The task, or None if the task is not found. Raises: ValueError """ key = _id if _id else alias if not key: raise ValueError('Neither ID or alias specified') response = self.__get('tasks/{key}'.format(key=key)) if response.status_code == return response.json()['data'] else: return None
[docs] def delete_task(self, task): """ Delete a task. Args: task (dict): The task. """ response = self.__delete('tasks/{0}'.format(task['_id'])) response.raise_for_status()
[docs] def update_task(self, task): """ Updates an existing task. Args: task (dict): The task. Returns: dict: The new task as returned from the server. Raises: ValueError: if neither an ID or alias are present in task. """ key = self.__get_key(task) response = self.__put('tasks/{0}'.format(key), task) response.raise_for_status() return response.json()['data']
[docs] def score_task(self, task, direction='up'): """ Score a task. Args: task (dict): the task to score. direction (str): 'up' or 'down' Returns: dict: Habitica API response data. Raises: ValueError: invalid direction. ValueError: missing ID or alias. """ key = self.__get_key(task) response = self.__post( 'tasks/{0}/score/{1}'.format(key, direction), data=None) response.raise_for_status() return response.json()['data']
[docs] def upsert_task(self, task, task_type=HabiticaTaskTypes.todos): """Upserts a task. Existing tasks will be updated, otherwise a new task will be created. Args: task (dict): The task. task_type (HabiticaTaskTypes): The type of task to create if a new task is required. Can be overriden by an existing task['type'] value. Returns: dict: The new task as returned from the server. Raises: ValueError """ key = task.get('_id', None) if not key: key = task.get('alias', None) if not key: raise ValueError('The task must specify an id or alias') # Does the task already exist? if self.get_task(key): logging.getLogger(__name__).debug('task %s exists, updating', key) response = self.__put('tasks/{0}'.format(key), task) response.raise_for_status() return response.json()['data'] else: logging.getLogger(__name__).debug( 'task %s not found, creating', key) return self.create_task(task, task_type)
# I don't think the API lets me set partial user objects in this way. # So I could get the entire user structure, swap the stats for the argument # version, and then PUT that back. Or I can wait to see if I even need this # method at all. # def set_stats(self, stats): # """Sets the authenticated user stats. # ** Not implemented ** # Note that unlike the fine-grained set_[hp|mp|xp] methods, # this method performs no sanity checking of values. # Args: # stats (dict): The stats to set. This can be a # partial set of values. # Returns: dictionary: The new stats, as returned by the server. # Raises: NotImplementedError # """ # raise NotImplementedError # response = self.__put('user', {'stats': stats}) # if response.status_code == # return response.json()['data']['stats'] # return None
[docs] def set_hp(self, hp): """ Sets the user's HP. Args: hp (float): The new HP value. Returns: float: The new HP value, extracted from the JSON response data. """ if hp > 50: raise ArgumentOutOfRangeError("hp > 50") if hp < 0: raise ArgumentOutOfRangeError("hp < 0") response = self.__put('user', {'stats.hp': hp}) response.raise_for_status() return response.json()['data']['stats']['hp']
[docs] def set_mp(self, mp): """ Sets the user's MP (mana points). Args: mp (float): The new MP value. Returns: float: The new MP value, extracted from the JSON response data. """ # max_mp = self.get_user()['stats']['maxMP'] # if mp > max_mp: # raise ArgumentOutOfRangeError("mp > {0}".format(max_mp)) if mp < 0: raise ArgumentOutOfRangeError("mp < 0") response = self.__put('user', {'': mp}) response.raise_for_status() return response.json()['data']['stats']['mp']
[docs] def set_exp(self, exp): """ Sets the user's XP (experience points). Args: exp (float): The new XP value. Returns: float: The new XP value, extracted from the JSON response data. """ if exp < 0: raise ArgumentOutOfRangeError("exp < 0") response = self.__put('user', {'stats.exp': exp}) response.raise_for_status() return response.json()['data']['stats']['exp']
[docs] def set_lvl(self, lvl): """ Sets the user's character level. Note that XP will be reset to 0. Args: lvl (int): The new level. Returns: lvl: The new character level, extracted from the JSON response data. """ if lvl < 0: raise ArgumentOutOfRangeError("lvl < 0") response = self.__put('user', {'stats.lvl': lvl, 'stats.exp': 0}) response.raise_for_status() return response.json()['data']['stats']['lvl']
[docs] def set_gp(self, gp): """ Sets the user's gold (gp). Args: gp (float): The new gold value. Returns: float: The new gold value, extracted from the response data. """ if gp < 0: raise ArgumentOutOfRangeError("gp < 0") response = self.__put('user', {'': gp}) response.raise_for_status() return response.json()['data']['stats']['gp']
[docs] def get_tags(self): """ Get the current user's tags. Returns: list: The tags. """ response = self.__get('tags') response.raise_for_status() return response.json()['data']
[docs] def create_tag(self, name): """ Create a tag. Args: name (str): the tag name. Returns: dict: The new tag. """ response = self.__post('tags', data={'name': name}) response.raise_for_status() return response.json()['data']
[docs] def create_tags(self, tags): """ Create the tags. Existing tags are ignored. Args: tags (list): The list of tag names. Returns: list: The list of Habitica Tag objects corresponding to the tags argument. """ current_tags = self.get_tags() current_tag_names = [t['name'] for t in current_tags] return_tags = [t for t in current_tags if t['name'] in tags] for required in tags: if required not in current_tag_names: return_tags.append(self.create_tag(required)) return return_tags
[docs] def delete_tags(self, tags): """ Delete a list of tag objects. Args: tags (list): The list of tag objects. """ for t in tags: response = self.__delete('tags/{0}'.format(t['id'])) response.raise_for_status()
[docs] def delete_checklist_item(self, task_id, item_id): """ Delete a checklist item. Args: task_id (str): The task ID. item_id (str): The checklist item ID. """ response = self.__delete( 'tasks/{0}/checklist/{1}'.format(task_id, item_id)) response.raise_for_status()
[docs] def create_checklist_item(self, task_id, item): """ Add a checklist item to the task. Args: task_id (str): The task ID. item (dict): The new checklist item. """ response = self.__post( 'tasks/{0}/checklist'.format(task_id), data=item) response.raise_for_status()
[docs] def feed_pet(self, pet, food): """ Feed a pet. Args: pet (str): The pet name. food (str): The food. Returns: dict: The Habitica response data. """ response = self.__post('user/feed/{0}/{1}'.format(pet, food)) response.raise_for_status() return response.json()
[docs] def hatch_pet(self, egg, potion): """ Hatch a pet. Args: egg (str): The egg name. potion (str): The potion name. Returns: dict: The Habitica response data. """ response = self.__post('user/hatch/{0}/{1}'.format(egg, potion)) response.raise_for_status() return response.json()
[docs] def buy_armoire(self): """ Buy an armoire item. Returns: dict: The Habitica response data. """ response = self.__post('user/buy-armoire') response.raise_for_status() return response.json()
[docs] def cast_skill_by_raw_spell_id(self, spellId, targetId=None): """ Cast a skill using the raw Habitica API spell ID rather than the enum. Args: spellId (str): The spell ID targetId (UUID): Optional UUID of the spell target. Required for targetted spells. Returns: dict: The Habitica response data. """ request = 'user/class/cast/{0}'.format(spellId) if targetId: request += '?targetId={0}'.format(targetId) response = self.__post(request) response.raise_for_status() return response.json()
[docs] def cast_skill(self, spellId, targetId=None): """ Cast a skill. Args: spellId (SpellIDs): The spell ID targetId (UUID): Optional UUID of the spell target. Required for targetted spells. Returns: dict: The Habitica response data. """ return self.cast_skill_by_raw_spell_id(spellId.value, targetId)