Source code for scriptabit.plugins.banking

"""Scriptabit plugin that implements a banking feature. Allows deposits and
withdrawals from a custom bank.

If neither a deposit or withdrawal is specified, then the balance is
reported but not changed.

Deposits and withdrawals are capped to the amount available, so a simple
way to deposit or withdraw all the gold is to specify an amount larger than
the balance.

# Ensure backwards compatibility with Python 2
from __future__ import (
from builtins import *
import logging
import math
import re

import scriptabit

[docs]class Banking(scriptabit.IPlugin): """ Implements the banking plugin. """
[docs] def __init__(self): """ Initialises the Banking instance. """ super().__init__() self.__bank = None self.__bank_balance = 0 self.__user_balance = 0 self.__transaction_fee = 0 self.__bank_traits = None self.print_help = None
[docs] def initialise(self, configuration, habitica_service, data_dir): """ Initialises the banking plugin. Args: configuration (ArgParse.Namespace): The application configuration. habitica_service: the Habitica Service instance. data_dir (str): A writeable directory that the plugin can use for persistent data. """ super().initialise(configuration, habitica_service, data_dir)
[docs] @staticmethod def supports_dry_runs(): """ The Banking plugin supports dry runs. Returns: bool: True """ return True
[docs] def get_arg_parser(self): """Gets the argument parser containing any CLI arguments for the plugin. """ parser = super().get_arg_parser() parser.add( '-d', '--bank-deposit', required=False, default=0, type=int, help='Banking: Deposit to the bank') parser.add( '-w', '--bank-withdraw', required=False, default=0, type=int, help='Banking: Withdraw from the bank') parser.add( '-b', '--bank-balance', required=False, action='store_true', help='Banking: Display balance') parser.add( '--bank-tax', required=False, default=0, type=int, help='''Banking: Pay your taxes. Only applies to the gold bank. Deducts the specified gold amount. If there is not enough gold in your main balance, it tries the bank.''') parser.add( '--bank-max-fee', required=False, type=int, default=100, help='''Banking: The maximum fee limit. Set to 0 to disable fees. Values up to 600 will make transactions very expensive, while going beyond 600 will start to make small transactions cost more than the transaction amount.''') parser.add( '-bt', '--bank-type', required=False, default='gold', type=str, choices=['gold', 'mana', 'health'], help='Banking: select the type of bank.') # parser.add( # '--bank-health-xp-limit', # required=False, # default='100', # type=int, # help='''Banking: Health deposits are only allowed if progress to the # next level is less than the given percentage.''') self.print_help = parser.print_help return parser
[docs] @staticmethod def get_balance_string(amount): """Gets the formatted bank balance string for a given amount""" return 'Balance: {0}'.format(math.trunc(amount))
[docs] @staticmethod def get_balance_from_string(s): """Gets the bank balance from the formatted string""" matches = re.findall(r'\d+', s) if matches: return int(matches[0]) return 0
[docs] def update(self): """ Update the banking plugin. Returns: bool: False """ super().update() stats = self._hs.get_stats() # determine the bank type and set the traits object if self._config.bank_type == 'mana': self.__bank_traits = { 'alias': 'scriptabit_mana_bank', 'name': ':blue_heart: Mana Bank', 'stat': 'mp', 'allow_tax': False, 'icon': ':blue_heart:', 'min_user_balance': 0, 'max_user_balance': stats['maxMP'], } elif self._config.bank_type == 'health': self.__bank_traits = { 'alias': 'scriptabit_health_bank', 'name': ':heart: Health Bank', 'stat': 'hp', 'allow_tax': False, 'icon': ':heart:', 'min_user_balance': 1, 'max_user_balance': stats['maxHealth'], } else: # assume gold self.__bank_traits = { 'alias': 'scriptabit_banking', 'name': ':moneybag: Gold Bank', 'stat': 'gp', 'allow_tax': True, 'icon': ':moneybag:', 'min_user_balance': 0, 'max_user_balance': False, } # Get or create the banking task self.__bank = self._hs.get_task(self.__bank_traits['alias']) if not self.__bank: logging.getLogger(__name__).info('Creating new bank task') tags = self._hs.create_tags(self._config.tags) self.__bank = self._hs.create_task({ 'alias': self.__bank_traits['alias'], 'attribute': 'per', 'priority': 1, 'text': self.__bank_traits['name'], 'type': 'reward', 'tags': [t['id'] for t in tags], 'value': 0}) # Get the user and bank balances self.__bank_balance = Banking.get_balance_from_string( self.__bank['notes']) self.__user_balance = stats[self.__bank_traits['stat']] # Do the banking thing if self._config.bank_deposit > 0: self.deposit() elif self._config.bank_withdraw > 0: self.withdraw() elif self._config.bank_tax > 0: self.pay_tax() elif self._config.bank_balance: logging.getLogger(__name__).info( 'Bank balance: %f', self.__bank_balance) logging.getLogger(__name__).info( 'User balance: %f', self.__user_balance) else: print() self.print_help() return False
[docs] def pay_tax(self): """ Pays taxes, trying first from the main balance, and then from the bank. """ if not self.__bank_traits['allow_tax']: return tax = self._config.bank_tax # subtract from user balance user_amount = min(self.__user_balance, tax) if not self.dry_run: self._hs.set_gp(max(0, self.__user_balance - user_amount)) total_paid = user_amount # tax still owing? tax -= user_amount if tax > 0: # deduct balance from bank if we can bank_amount = min(self.__bank_balance, tax) new_balance = max(0, self.__bank_balance - bank_amount) self.update_bank_balance(new_balance) total_paid += bank_amount message = ':smiling_imp: Taxes paid: {0}'.format(total_paid) self.notify(message)
[docs] def deposit(self): """ Deposit money to the bank. """ # Don't deposit more money than the user has gross_amount = min( math.trunc(self.__user_balance - self.__bank_traits['min_user_balance']), self._config.bank_deposit) fee = math.trunc(self.calculate_fee(gross_amount)) nett_amount = max(0, gross_amount - fee) # update the bank balance self.update_bank_balance(self.__bank_balance + nett_amount) # subtract from user balance if not self.dry_run: if self._config.bank_type == 'mana': self._hs.set_mp(max(0, self.__user_balance - gross_amount)) elif self._config.bank_type == 'health': self._hs.set_hp(max(0, self.__user_balance - gross_amount)) else: self._hs.set_gp(max(0, self.__user_balance - gross_amount)) message = '{2} Deposit: {0}, Fee: {1}'.format( nett_amount, fee, self.__bank_traits['icon']) self.notify(message)
[docs] def withdraw(self): """ Withdraw money from the bank. """ # Don't withdraw more money than the bank has gross_amount = min(self.__bank_balance, self._config.bank_withdraw) # If the traits supports a max user balance, don't withdraw more # than that amount if self.__bank_traits['max_user_balance']: gross_amount = min( max(0, self.__bank_traits['max_user_balance'] - self.__user_balance), gross_amount) print('capping withdrawal to ', gross_amount) fee = math.trunc(self.calculate_fee(gross_amount)) nett_amount = max(0, gross_amount - fee) # update the bank balance new_balance = max(0, self.__bank_balance - gross_amount) self.update_bank_balance(new_balance) # add to user balance if not self.dry_run: if self._config.bank_type == 'mana': self._hs.set_mp(self.__user_balance + nett_amount) elif self._config.bank_type == 'health': self._hs.set_hp(self.__user_balance + nett_amount) else: self._hs.set_gp(self.__user_balance + nett_amount) message = '{2} Withdrew: {0}, Fee: {1}'.format( nett_amount, fee, self.__bank_traits['icon']) self.notify(message)
[docs] def update_bank_balance(self, new_balance): """ Updates the bank balance. Args: new_balance (float): The new balance. """ new_balance = math.trunc(new_balance) self.__bank['notes'] = Banking.get_balance_string(new_balance) self.__bank['value'] = new_balance if not self.dry_run: self._hs.upsert_task(self.__bank)
[docs] def calculate_fee(self, amount): """ Calculates the fee for a given transaction amount. Args: amount (float): The transaction amount. Returns: float: the transaction fee. """ if self._config.bank_type == 'mana': return 20 * (1 - math.exp(-0.01 * amount)) elif self._config.bank_type == 'health': return 5 * (1 - math.exp(-0.07 * amount)) else: # Diminishing returns exponential function, tuned to be expensive at # amounts < 1000 gold, but to flatten quickly for amounts > 1000 limit = max(0, self._config.bank_max_fee) return limit * (1 - math.exp(-0.0015 * amount))