Source code for scriptabit.plugins.health_effects

"""Scriptabit plugin that implements various health-modification effects.

# Ensure backwards compatibility with Python 2
from __future__ import (
from builtins import *
import itertools
import logging
import math
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

import pytz
import scriptabit

[docs]class HealthEffects(scriptabit.IPlugin): """ Implements the health effects plugin. """
[docs] def __init__(self): """ Initialises the plugin. """ super().__init__() self.__stats = None
[docs] def get_arg_parser(self): """Gets the argument parser containing any CLI arguments for the plugin. """ parser = super().get_arg_parser() parser.add( '-hp24', '--max-hp-change-per-day', required=False, default=10.0, type=float, help='Health Effects: Max amount of health change per day') parser.add( '--sun-power', required=False, default=2.0, type=float, help='Health Effects: Sun HP damage multiplier for vampire mode.') parser.add( '--moon-power', required=False, default=1.0, type=float, help='Health Effects: Moonlight HP restoration\ multiplier for vampire mode.') parser.add( '--health-drain', required=False, action='store_true', help='Drains your health over time') parser.add( '--health-regen', required=False, action='store_true', help='Restores your health over time') parser.add( '--vampire', required=False, action='store_true', help='Enables Vampire mode') self.print_help = parser.print_help return parser
[docs] def initialise(self, configuration, habitica_service, data_dir): """ Initialises the plugin. Args: configuration (ArgParse.Namespace): The application configuration. habitica_service: the Habitica Service instance. data_dir (str): A writeable directory that the plugin can use for persistent data. """ super().initialise(configuration, habitica_service, data_dir)
[docs] @staticmethod def supports_dry_runs(): """ The HealthEffects plugin supports dry runs. Returns: bool: True """ return True
[docs] def get_health_delta(self, hp24=None): """ Gets the health delta for the current update """ hp24 = abs(hp24 or self._config.max_hp_change_per_day) interval = self.update_interval_minutes() return interval * hp24 / (24 * 60)
[docs] def apply_health_delta(self, hp24=None, up=True): """ Applies the health delta. Args: hp24 (float): The health change per 24 hours. up (bool): If True, then health is increased, otherwise health is decreased. Returns: float: the signed health delta that was applied. """ delta = self.get_health_delta(hp24) old_hp = self.__stats['hp'] if up: new_hp = min(50, old_hp + delta) else: new_hp = max(0, old_hp - delta) if not self.dry_run: self._hs.set_hp(new_hp) return delta if up else -delta
[docs] def poisoned(self): """ Simple health drain/poisoning """ delta = abs(self.apply_health_delta(up=False)) self.notify('Poisoned. Lost {0:.2} HP'.format(delta), panel=False) return True
[docs] def regenerating(self): """ Simple health regeneration """ delta = self.apply_health_delta(up=True) self.notify('Regenerated {0:.2} HP'.format(delta), panel=False) return True
[docs] def vampire(self): """ Vampire mode. Lose health during daylight hours. Gain small amounts of health at night, and large amounts by feeding. """ logging.getLogger(__name__).debug('You are a Vampire!') moon_power = self._config.moon_power sun_power = self._config.sun_power hp24 = self._config.max_hp_change_per_day hp24_night = hp24 * moon_power hp24_day = hp24 * sun_power print('Moon power multiplier: {0:.4}'.format(moon_power)) print('Sun power multiplier: {0:.4}'.format(sun_power)) print('HP Change per 24 hours: {0:.4}'.format(hp24)) print('Max HP loss during the day: {0:.4}'.format(hp24_day / 2)) print('Max HP gain during the night: {0:.4}'.format(hp24_night / 2)) # determine day or night mode # Night is 6pm (1800) to 6am (0600) now = night = now.hour < 6 or now.hour >= 18 # Are we regenerating or taking damage? if night: hp24 = hp24_night msg = ':full_moon: Ahh, sweet moonlight. {hp:.2} HP per hour' else: hp24 = hp24_day msg = ':sunny: The Sun! It burns! {hp:.2} HP per hour' # apply the health change delta = self.apply_health_delta(hp24=hp24, up=night) delta_per_hour = hp24 / 24 if not night: delta_per_hour *= -1 print('applied delta', delta) print('delta_per_hour', delta_per_hour) # Notifications self.notify( msg.format(hp=delta_per_hour), alias='vampire_notification_panel') return True
[docs] def summarise_task_score(self, task, now, window): """ Summarises the task score changes within a time window. Args: task (dict): The task. now (datetime): The most recent time to consider. window (timedelta): The time window to consider prior to now. Returns: float: Total of the score changes within the time window. int: Number of times the score went up. int: Number of times the score went down. """ if task['type'] == 'todo': if task['completed']: return float(task['value']) * float(task['priority']), 1, 0 else: return 0, 0, 0 if 'history' not in task: return 0, 0, 0 def pairwise(iterable): """ pairwise iteration of a sequence. s -> (s0,s1), (s1,s2), (s2, s3), ... """ a, b = itertools.tee(iterable) next(b, None) return zip(a, b) class PairCounter(object): """ Tracks score movements for a pair of values. """ def __init__(self, scale=1): """ Initialises the PairCounter. Args: multiplier (float): Optional score scale factor. """ self.up = 0 self.down = 0 self.sum_delta = 0 self.scale = scale def count(self, a, b): """ Count a pair of values. """ delta = (b - a) * self.scale # print(a, b, delta) self.sum_delta += delta if delta > 0: self.up += 1 elif delta < 0: self.down += 1 counter = PairCounter() # counter = PairCounter(3 if task['type'] == 'daily' else 1) history = [{'date': task['createdAt'], 'value': 0}] history.extend(task['history']) # print() # print(task['text']) # pprint(history) for a, b in pairwise(history): date = scriptabit.parse_date_utc(b['date']) if date <= now and now - date < window: counter.count(a['value'], b['value']) return counter.sum_delta, counter.up, counter.down
[docs] def logistic_growth( self, x, a=50, b=0.5, k_x_positive=0.2, k_x_negative=4.8): """ Returns the logistic growth function value for a given input x. y = a / (1 + b * e^(kx)) For k > 0, larger values give a greater rate of change while smaller values lead to a slower approach to the function asymptotes. For positive k, the return values is bounded by a to the left (large negative x) and by 0 to the right (large positive x). For negative k this is reversed. Additionally, this method allows different k terms for positive and negative x, which allows finer-grained tuning of the output. The y-intercept is given by a / (1 + b). Args: x (float): The input value a (float): The upper limit on the function value. b (float): Influences the steepness of the function curve, and also contributes to the y-intercept. High values give a slower change and a lower y-intercept. k_x_positive (float): The k term used when x >= 0 k_x_negative (float): The k term used when x < 0. Passing None will cause k_x_positive to be used for all x. Returns: float: The delta. """ assert b >= 0 k = k_x_positive if x >= 0 or not k_x_negative else k_x_negative y = a / (1 + b * math.exp(k * x)) return y
[docs] def summarise_task_performance(self, tasks, window_hours=24): """ Summarises overall task performance within a time window back from the current time. Args: tasks (list): The list of Habitica tasks to summarise. window_hours (float): Size of the time window in hours Returns: """ now = window = timedelta(hours=window_hours) up = 0 down = 0 total_delta = 0 for t in tasks: tot_delta, tup, tdown = self.summarise_task_score(t, now, window) # only track those tasks in which something changed inside the time # window. If nothing changed, there will be no up or down counts. if tup + tdown: up += tup down += tdown total_delta += tot_delta count = up + down avg_delta = total_delta / count if count else 0 print() # pprint(tasks) print('window', window) print('up', up) print('down', down) print('Total up + down', count) print('total_delta', total_delta) print('avg_delta', avg_delta) print('logistic fn(total delta)', self.logistic_growth(total_delta)) print('logistic fn(avg delta)', self.logistic_growth(avg_delta)) return down, up, total_delta, avg_delta
[docs] def update(self): """ Update the health effects plugin. Returns: bool: True if further updates are required; False if the plugin is finished and the application should shut down. """ super().update() # get some user data self.__stats = self._hs.get_stats() if self._config.health_drain: return self.poisoned() elif self._config.health_regen: return self.regenerating() elif self._config.vampire: return self.vampire() # elif self._config.test: # try: # return self.test() # except Exception as e: # logging.getLogger(__name__).error(e) # import traceback # traceback.print_exc() # If no other functions ran, just print the help and exit self.print_help() return False