Source code for scriptabit.plugins.trello.trello

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" Synchronisation of Trello cards to Habitica To-Dos.

# Ensure backwards compatibility with Python 2
from __future__ import (
from builtins import *

import logging
import os
import sys
import json
from configparser import ConfigParser, NoOptionError
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import pytz
import scriptabit
from scriptabit import (

from trello import TrelloClient
from trello.util import create_oauth_token

from .board_config import BoardConfig
from .trello_task_service import TrelloTaskService

[docs]class Trello(scriptabit.IPlugin): """ Trello card synchronisation. Attributes: __tc: TrelloClient instance __habitica_task_service: The HabiticaTaskService instance __task_map_file: = Task mapping data file __data_file: Sync data file name __data (Trello.PersistentData): Persistent sync data """
[docs] class PersistentData(object): """ Data that needs to be persisted. """ # The persistent time format string. Relying on locale default format # is problematic when the file is shared between systems as they may # have different locale settings. TIME_FORMAT = '%Y %m %d %H:%M:%S %Z%z'
[docs] def __init__(self, filename=None): try: with open(filename, 'r') as f: # If I need more data then I might need to serialise as # a dictionary of key/value pairs. self.last_sync = datetime.strptime( json.load(f), self.TIME_FORMAT) except Exception as e: if filename: logging.getLogger(__name__).warning(e) # If we have no stored last sync time, then use a two day window # for catching new & completed tasks self.last_sync = - timedelta(days=2)
[docs] def save(self, filename): """ Saves the persistent data """ with open(filename, 'w') as f: if sys.version_info < (3, 0): x = json.dumps( self.last_sync.strftime(self.TIME_FORMAT), encoding='UTF-8', ensure_ascii=False) else: x = json.dumps( self.last_sync.strftime(self.TIME_FORMAT), ensure_ascii=False) f.write(x)
[docs] def __init__(self): """ Initialises the plugin. Generally nothing to do here other than initialise any class attributes. """ super().__init__() self.__tc = None self.__habitica_task_service = None self.__task_map_file = None self.__data_file = None self.__data = None self.__boards = None
[docs] @staticmethod def supports_dry_runs(): """ The Trello plugin supports dry runs. Returns: bool: True """ return True
def __parse_board_configuration(self): """ Parses the board configuration from the command line arguments """ self.__boards = {} for b in self._config.trello_boards: bc = BoardConfig(b) self.__boards[] = bc
[docs] def get_arg_parser(self): """Gets the argument parser containing any CLI arguments for the plugin. Note that to avoid argument name conflicts, only long argument names should be used, and they should be prefixed with the plugin-name or unique abbreviation. Returns: argparse.ArgParser: The `ArgParser` containing the argument definitions. """ parser = super().get_arg_parser() # Boards to sync (empty list for all active boards) parser.add( '--trello-boards', required=False, action='append', help='''The name of a Trello board to sync. Leave empty to sync all active boards''') # Lists to sync (empty list for all lists in all selected boards) parser.add( '--trello-lists', required=False, action='append', help='''The Trello lists to sync. Leave empty to sync all lists on all selected boards''') # Lists that mark cards as done parser.add( '--trello-done-lists', required=False, action='append', help='''The Trello lists that mark cards as complete. If empty, then cards are only marked done when archived.''') # Filename to use as for the persistent task map parser.add( '--trello-data-file', required=False, type=str, default='trello_habitica_sync_data', help='''Filename to use for storing the synchronisation data.''') parser.add( '--trello-sync-description', required=False, action='store_true', help='''Synchronises task description/extra text field. The default is to only synchronise the task names.''') self.print_help = parser.print_help return parser
[docs] def initialise(self, configuration, habitica_service, data_dir): """ Initialises the Trello plugin. This involves loading the board and list configuration, confirming the API key and secret, obtaining the OAuth tokens if required, and instantiating the `TrelloClient` instance. Args: configuration (ArgParse.Namespace): The application configuration. habitica_service (scriptabit.HabiticaService): the Habitica Service instance. data_dir (str): A writeable directory that the plugin can use for persistent data. """ super().initialise(configuration, habitica_service, data_dir) self.__parse_board_configuration() for b in self.__boards.values(): logging.getLogger(__name__).info('Syncing board: %s', b) logging.getLogger(__name__).info( 'Syncing Trello lists %s', configuration.trello_lists) logging.getLogger(__name__).info( 'Trello done lists %s', configuration.trello_done_lists) credentials = self.__load_authentication_credentials() # Instantiate the Trello Client self.__tc = TrelloClient( api_key=credentials['apikey'], api_secret=credentials['apisecret'], token=credentials['token'], token_secret=credentials['tokensecret']) # instantiate the HabiticaTaskService self.__habitica_task_service = HabiticaTaskService( habitica_service, dry_run=self.dry_run, tags=['Trello', 'scriptabit']) self.__task_map_file = os.path.join( self._data_dir, self._config.trello_data_file) logging.getLogger(__name__).debug( 'TaskMap file: %s', self.__task_map_file) self.__data_file = os.path.join( self._data_dir, self._config.trello_data_file+'_extra') logging.getLogger(__name__).debug( 'Sync data file: %s', self.__data_file) self.__load_persistent_data()
def __load_persistent_data(self): """ Loads the persistent data """ self.__data = Trello.PersistentData(filename=self.__data_file) def __save_persistent_data(self): """ Saves the persistent data """
[docs] def update_interval_minutes(self): """ Indicates the required update interval in minutes. Returns: float: The required update interval in minutes. """ return max(20, self._config.update_frequency)
[docs] def update(self): """ This update method will be called once on every update cycle, with the frequency determined by the value returned from `update_interval_minutes()`. If a plugin implements a single-shot function, then update should return `False`. Returns: bool: True if further updates are required; False if the plugin is finished and the application should shut down. """ # retrieve the boards to sync boards = self.__tc.list_boards(board_filter='open') sync_boards = [ b for b in boards if in self.__boards] self.__ensure_labels_exist(sync_boards) # Build a list of sync lists by matching the sync # list names in each board sync_lists = [] done_lists = [] for b in sync_boards: for l in b.open_lists(): if in self._config.trello_lists: sync_lists.append(l) elif in self._config.trello_done_lists: done_lists.append(l) # Load the task map from disk logging.getLogger(__name__).debug('Loading task map') task_map = TaskMap(self.__task_map_file) # Create the services source_service = TrelloTaskService( self.__tc, sync_lists, done_lists, self.__boards) # synchronise sync = TaskSync( source_service, self.__habitica_task_service, task_map, last_sync=self.__data.last_sync, sync_description=self._config.trello_sync_description) stats = sync.synchronise(clean_orphans=False) self.__notify(stats) # Checkpoint the sync data self.__data.last_sync = sync.last_sync if not self.dry_run: logging.getLogger(__name__).debug('Saving task map') task_map.persist(self.__task_map_file) self.__save_persistent_data() # return False if finished, and True to be updated again. return True
def __notify(self, sync_stats): """ notify the user about the sync stats. Args: sync_stats (TaskSync.Stats): Stats from the last sync. """ total = sync_stats.total_changed text = '{0} {1} Trello Tasks Updated'.format( ':mailbox_with_mail:' if total else ':mailbox_with_no_mail:', total) notes = str(sync_stats) if sys.version_info < (3, 0): notes = unicode(notes) self.notify( message=text, notes=notes, heading_level=0) @staticmethod def __load_authentication_credentials( config_file_name='.auth.cfg', section='trello'): """ Loads authentication credentials from an ini-style configuration file. Args: config_file_name (str): Basename of the configuration file. section (str): Configuration file section name. Returns: dict: the selected credentials """ config_file_path = os.path.join( os.path.expanduser("~"), config_file_name) logging.getLogger(__name__).info( "Loading trello credentials from %s", config_file_path) if not os.path.exists(config_file_path): raise scriptabit.ConfigError( "File '{0}' not found".format(config_file_path)) config = ConfigParser() credentials = { 'apikey': config.get(section, 'apikey'), 'apisecret': config.get(section, 'apisecret'), 'token': '', 'tokensecret': ''} try: credentials['token'] = config.get(section, 'token') credentials['tokensecret'] = config.get(section, 'tokensecret') except NoOptionError: # If the OAuth tokens are missing, they will get filled in later pass if not credentials['apikey']: raise scriptabit.ConfigError( 'Trello API key not found in .auth.cfg') if not credentials['apisecret']: raise scriptabit.ConfigError( 'Trello API secret not found in .auth.cfg') if not credentials['token'] or not credentials['tokensecret']: logging.getLogger(__name__).warning('Getting Trello OAuth token') access_token = create_oauth_token( expiration='never', scope='read,write', key=credentials['apikey'], secret=credentials['apisecret'], name='scriptabit', output=True) credentials['token'] = access_token['oauth_token'] credentials['tokensecret'] = access_token['oauth_token_secret'] # Write back to the file config_file_path = os.path.join( os.path.expanduser("~"), '.auth.cfg') with open(config_file_path, 'w') as f: logging.getLogger(__name__).warning( 'Writing Trello OAuth tokens back to .auth.cfg') config.set('trello', 'token', credentials['token']) config.set( 'trello', 'tokensecret', credentials['tokensecret']) config.write(f) return credentials def __ensure_labels_exist(self, boards): """ Ensures that the Trello labels used to mark task difficulty and Habitica character attributes exist. Args: boards (list): The list of boards that are being synchronised. """ if self.dry_run: return difficulty_labels = [ for a in Difficulty] attribute_labels = [ for a in CharacterAttribute] required_labels = difficulty_labels + attribute_labels required_labels.append('no sync') for b in boards: for rl in required_labels: found = [x for x in b.get_labels() if == rl] if not found: logging.getLogger(__name__).info( 'Board "%s": Label "%s" not found, creating',, rl) b.add_label(rl, color=None)