Source code for scriptabit.task_sync

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" Provides synchronisation between two task services.

Basic algorithm

- Build list of candidate tasks from source and destination services
- Index the candidate tasks for lookup by ID
- Get the existing list of source to destination task mappings
- Check all source tasks

    - Mapping exists, destination task found:

        - update destination

    - Mapping exists, destination task not found:

        - recreate destination
        - alternatively, could delete source task

    - No mapping found:

        - new task
        - if task completed, check if last modified date is newer than last sync

- Check all destination tasks for which mapped source tasks can't be found:

    - assume deleted and flag destination as 'deleted'

- Check for orphan mappings: both source and destination not found

    - delete mapping

- **Not implemented**: persist source tasks
- Persist destination tasks

# Ensure backwards compatibility with Python 2
from __future__ import (
from builtins import *
import logging
from datetime import datetime

import pytz
from tzlocal import get_localzone

from .task import SyncStatus

# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
[docs]class TaskSync(object): """ Provides synchronisation between two task services. """
[docs] class Stats(object): """ Simple sync stats """
[docs] def __init__(self): """ Initialise the stats """ self.skipped = 0 self.created = 0 self.updated = 0 self.completed = 0 self.deleted = 0 self.errors = 0 self.duration = None
def __str__(self): """ Get a nicely formatted stats string """ return ( '\tTasks skipped: {0}\n' + '\tTasks created: {1}\n' + '\tTasks updated: {2}\n' + '\tTasks deleted: {3}\n' + '\tTasks completed: {4}\n' + '\tTasks errored: {6}\n' + '\tSync duration: {5}\n').format( self.skipped, self.created, self.updated, self.deleted, self.completed, self.duration, self.errors) @property def total_changed(self): """ Get the total number of changed tasks. """ return self.created +\ self.updated +\ self.completed +\ self.deleted
[docs] def __init__( self, src_service, dst_service, task_map, last_sync=None, sync_description=True): """ Initialise the TaskSync instance. Args: src_service (TaskService): The TaskService for source tasks. dst_service (TaskService): The TaskService for destination tasks. task_map (TaskMap): The TaskMap. last_sync (datetime): The last known synchronisation datetime (UTC). sync_description (bool): Controls whether the task description will be synchronised. """ self.__src_service = src_service self.__dst_service = dst_service self.__map = task_map self.__last_sync = last_sync or datetime.min.replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc) self.__src_tasks = None self.__dst_tasks = None self.__src_index = None self.__dst_index = None self.__sync_description = sync_description self.__stats = TaskSync.Stats()
def __create_new_dst(self, src): """ Creates and maps a new destination task. Args: src (Task): source task Returns: Task: The new destination task """ # factory method as we don't know the concrete task type dst = self.__dst_service.create(src) if not self.__sync_description: dst.description = '', dst) return dst def __get_src_by_id(self, _id): """ Looks up a cached source task by ID """ return self.__src_index.get(_id, None) def __get_dst_by_id(self, _id): """ Looks up a cached destination task by ID """ return self.__dst_index.get(_id, None) def __get_task_data(self): """ Gets, caches, and indexes task data from the source and destination services. """ logging.getLogger(__name__).debug('Fetching source tasks') self.__src_tasks = self.__src_service.get_all_tasks() logging.getLogger(__name__).debug('Fetching destination tasks') self.__dst_tasks = self.__dst_service.get_all_tasks() self.__src_index = { for s in self.__src_tasks} self.__dst_index = { for d in self.__dst_tasks} def __handle_destination_found(self, src, dst): """ Handle the case where a pair of mapped tasks exist. Args: src (Task): the source task dst (Task): the destination task """ if src.last_modified < self.__last_sync: # It seems that I don't care about unchanged messages even with # debug level logging enabled. # logging.getLogger(__name__).debug( # 'Unchanged: %s', self.__stats.skipped += 1 return if src.completed: logging.getLogger(__name__).info( 'Completing: %s', self.__stats.completed += 1 else: logging.getLogger(__name__).info( 'Updating: %s', self.__stats.updated += 1 dst.copy_fields(src, status=SyncStatus.updated) if not self.__sync_description: dst.description = '' def __handle_destination_missing(self, src): """ Handle the case where a mapped destination task cannot be found. Args: src (Task): the source task """ if not src.completed: # recreate if src is not complete, logging.getLogger(__name__).info( 'Recreating: %s', self.__map.unmap( self.__dst_tasks.append(self.__create_new_dst(src)) self.__stats.created += 1 else: # otherwise ignore logging.getLogger(__name__).debug( 'Ignoring deleted/completed destination task: %s', self.__stats.skipped += 1 def __handle_new_task(self, src): """ Handle a new source task. Args: src (Task): the source task """ create = False if src.completed and src.last_modified >= self.__last_sync: logging.getLogger(__name__).info( 'Creating (completed): %s', create = True elif not src.completed: logging.getLogger(__name__).info( 'Creating: %s', create = True if create: self.__dst_tasks.append(self.__create_new_dst(src)) self.__stats.created += 1 def __handle_deleted_source_task(self, src_id, dst): """ Handle the case where a mapped destination task exists but the source task cannot be located. Args: src_id (str): the source task ID dst (Task): the destination task """ logging.getLogger(__name__).debug( 'Deleting: %s --> %s', src_id, dst.status = SyncStatus.deleted self.__stats.deleted += 1 def __clean_orphan_task_mappings(self): """ Removes task mappings where neither the source or destination tasks exist. """ # this may be bad for large maps, but we can't delete entries # while iterating all_src_keys = list(self.__map.get_all_src_keys()) for src_key in all_src_keys: dst_key = self.__map.get_dst_id(src_key) if not self.__get_src_by_id(src_key) \ and not self.__get_dst_by_id(dst_key): logging.getLogger(__name__).debug( 'Found orphan relationship: %s --> %s', src_key, dst_key) self.__map.unmap(src_key)
[docs] def synchronise( self, clean_orphans=False): """ Synchronise the source service with the destination. The task_map will be updated. Args: clean_orphans (bool): If True, mappings for tasks that exist in neither the source or destination are deleted. Returns: TaskSync.Stats: Summary statistics of the sync. """ start_sync = self.__get_task_data() logging.getLogger(__name__).info( 'Starting sync. Last sync at %s', self.last_sync.astimezone(get_localzone())) # reset the stats self.__stats = TaskSync.Stats() # source task checks for src in self.__src_tasks: try: dst_id = self.__map.try_get_dst_id( if dst_id: dst = self.__get_dst_by_id(dst_id) if dst: self.__handle_destination_found(src, dst) else: self.__handle_destination_missing(src) else: self.__handle_new_task(src) except Exception as e: self.__stats.errors += 1 logging.getLogger(__name__).warning( "Error syncing task '%s':\n%s",, e, exc_info=True) # destination task checks. Only need to look for cases involving missing # source tasks. All other sync conditions can be handled during the # source task loop (above). for dst in self.__dst_tasks: try: src_id = self.__map.try_get_src_id( if src_id and not self.__get_src_by_id(src_id): self.__handle_deleted_source_task(src_id, dst) except Exception as e: self.__stats.errors += 1 logging.getLogger(__name__).warning( "Error syncing task '%s':\n%s",, e, exc_info=True) # check for orphans: mappings that have neither a src or dst task if clean_orphans: self.__clean_orphan_task_mappings() try: self.__dst_service.persist_tasks(self.__dst_tasks) except Exception as e: self.__stats.errors += 1 logging.getLogger(__name__).warning( 'Error writing task changes.\n%s', e, exc_info=True) end_sync = self.__stats.duration = end_sync - start_sync self.__last_sync = end_sync logging.getLogger(__name__).info('Sync complete.') logging.getLogger(__name__).info(self.__stats) return self.__stats
@property def last_sync(self): """ Gets the last synchronisation datestamp. Returns: datetime: The last synchronisation time. """ return self.__last_sync
# pylint: enable=too-few-public-methods