Source code for scriptabit.utility_functions

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" Utility functions

# Ensure backwards compatibility with Python 2
from __future__ import (
from builtins import *
import logging
from datetime import datetime
from pprint import pprint
from time import sleep

import configargparse
from .dates import parse_date_local
from .habitica_service import HabiticaTaskTypes, SpellIDs

[docs]class UtilityFunctions(object): """scriptabit utility functions. These are a collection of higher-level functions, implemented over the `HabiticaService` class. Attributes: __config (lookupdict): Configuration object returned from argparse. __hs (scriptabit.HabiticaService): The HabiticaService instance. """ def __init__(self, config, habitica_service): """Initialises the utility functions""" self.__config = config self.__hs = habitica_service self.__stat_setters = [ { 'name': 'hp', 'type': float, 'default': -1.0, 'help': 'health points', 'setter': self.set_health, }, { 'name': 'mp', 'type': float, 'default': -1.0, 'help': 'mana points', 'setter': self.set_mana, }, { 'name': 'xp', 'type': int, 'default': -1, 'help': 'experience points', 'setter': self.set_xp, }, { 'name': 'gp', 'type': float, 'default': -1.0, 'help': 'gold', 'setter': self.set_gold, }, { 'name': 'level', 'type': int, 'default': -1, 'help': 'character level', 'setter': self.set_level, }, ]
[docs] def get_arg_parser(self): """Gets the argument parser containing Utility function CLI arguments. Returns: argparse.ArgParser: The ArgParser containing the argument definitions. """ parser = configargparse.ArgParser(add_help=False) parser.add( '-sud', '--show-user-data', required=False, action='store_true', help='''Print the user data''') parser.add( '--verbose', required=False, action='store_true', help='''Specify verbose output''') for stat in self.__stat_setters: # The set arg parser.add( '-'+stat['name'], '--set-'+stat['name'], type=stat['type'], default=stat['default'], required=False, help="If > 0, set the user's current {0}".format(stat['help'])) # The increment/decrement arg parser.add( '--inc-'+stat['name'], type=stat['type'], default=0, required=False, help="Increment (positive values) or decrement (negative values) the user's current {0}".format(stat['help'])) # The scaling argument parser.add( '--scale-'+stat['name'], type=float, default=0, required=False, help="Scales(multiplies) the user's current {0} by the given value".format(stat['help'])) parser.add( '--buy-armoire', required=False, action='store_true', help='''Purchase an item from the armoire''') parser.add( '-t', '--test', required=False, action='store_true', help='''Run the current test function''') def str2bool(v): "argparser does not have good support for boolean args :(" return v.lower() in ('yes', 'true', '1') def csv2list(v): "argparse does not deal gracefully with comma separated list args" if not v: return [] else: return v.split(',') parser.add( '--use-notification-panel', required=False, type=str2bool, default='1', choices=['yes', 'no', 'true', 'false', 1, 0], help='Controls whether the notification panel in Habitica will be updated or not') parser.add( '--tags', required=False, type=csv2list, default='scriptabit', help='Specify the tags that will be applied to new Habitica tasks. Set to an empty string for no tags.') return parser
@property def dry_run(self): """ Indicates whether this is a dry run or not. Returns: bool: True if this is a dry run, otherwise False. """ return self.__config.dry_run
[docs] def run(self): """Runs the user-selected scriptabit utility functions""" if self.__config.test: self.__test() return if self.__config.show_user_data: self.show_user_data() if self.__config.buy_armoire: self.buy_armoire() config_dict = vars(self.__config) # dispatch any setters, incrementers, and scaling args for stat in self.__stat_setters: arg = config_dict['set_'+stat['name']] inc_arg = config_dict['inc_'+stat['name']] scale_arg = config_dict['scale_'+stat['name']] if arg >= 0: stat['setter'](arg) elif inc_arg != 0: stat['setter'](inc_arg, increment=True) elif scale_arg != 0: stat['setter'](scale_arg, scale=True)
def __set_stat( self, name, value, hs_func, lower_bound=0, increment=False, scale=False): """Generic stat setter. Args: name (str): The stat name value: the new value hs_func: The HabiticaService method that will set the stat. lower_bound: Lower bound on the set value increment (bool): If true, the value is treated as an increment instead of the new value scale (bool): If true, the current value is scaled by `value`. Returns: The new stat value """ old = self.__hs.get_stats()[name] if increment: set_value = old + value elif scale: set_value = old * value else: set_value = value set_value = max(lower_bound, set_value) new = set_value if self.dry_run else hs_func(set_value) logging.getLogger(__name__).info( '%s changed from %f to %f', name, old, new) return new
[docs] def set_health(self, hp, increment=False, scale=False): """Sets the user health to the specified value Returns: float: The new health points. """ return self.__set_stat( 'hp', hp, self.__hs.set_hp, increment=increment, scale=scale)
[docs] def set_xp(self, xp, increment=False, scale=False): """Sets the user experience points to the specified value. Returns: int: The new experience points. """ return self.__set_stat( 'exp', xp, self.__hs.set_exp, increment=increment, scale=scale)
[docs] def set_mana(self, mp, increment=False, scale=False): """Sets the user mana to the specified value Returns: float: The new mana points. """ return self.__set_stat( 'mp', mp, self.__hs.set_mp, increment=increment, scale=scale)
[docs] def set_gold(self, gp, increment=False, scale=False): """Sets the user gold to the specified value Returns: float: The new gold points. """ return self.__set_stat( 'gp', gp, self.__hs.set_gp, increment=increment, scale=scale)
[docs] def set_level(self, level, increment=False, scale=False): """Sets the user level to the specified value Returns: float: The new gold points. """ return self.__set_stat( 'lvl', level, self.__hs.set_lvl, increment=increment, scale=scale)
[docs] def show_user_data(self): """Shows the user data""" logging.getLogger(__name__).debug('Getting user data') data = self.__hs.get_user() print() print("Summarised User Data") print("--------------------") print() print(data['profile']['name']) print("Last Cron: {0}".format(parse_date_local(data['lastCron']))) pprint(data['stats']) print() print("--------------------") print()
[docs] @staticmethod def upsert_notification( habitica_service, text, notes='', heading_level=0, append_time=True, tags=None, alias='scriptabit_notification_panel'): """ Creates or updates a notification (currently implemented as a scoreless habit). Args: habitica_service (HabiticaService): The habitica service to use. text (str): the new text. notes (str): the extra text/notes. heading_level (int): If > 0, Markdown heading syntax is prepended to the message text. append_time (bool): If True, a time stamp is appended to text. tags (list): Optional list of tags to be applied to the notification. alias (str): the notification alias. Returns: dict: The notification object returned by the Habitica API """ heading_level = min(heading_level, 6) if heading_level > 0: text = '#' * heading_level + ' ' + text if append_time: text = '{0} @ {1}'.format(text,'%X %x')) task = { 'alias': alias, 'up': 'false', 'down': 'false', 'text': text, 'notes': notes, } tags = habitica_service.create_tags(tags) task['tags'] = [t['id'] for t in tags] return habitica_service.upsert_task( task, task_type=HabiticaTaskTypes.habits)
[docs] def buy_armoire(self): """Purchase an item from the Enchanted Armoire""" logging.getLogger(__name__).debug("Checking the armoire...") for _ in range(self.__config.max_updates or 1): if not self.__config.dry_run: data = self.__hs.buy_armoire() else: data = {'message': "Dry run"} print(data['message']) sleep(2)
def __test(self): """A test function. Could do anything depending on what I am testing.""" print() logging.getLogger(__name__).debug('Running test function') print("--------------------") print("--------------------") print()